

Legh of he Six Scales: A Moder Udersadig of Chiese Zodiac Sigology

The Chiese Zodiac is a sysem of horoscopes ha govers huma life from he Chiese caledar. While mayWeser asrology ehusiassmay assume ha he Chiese Zodiac chars are exclusively based o Chieseasrology,he realiy is ha hese chars ecompass a rich agle of culural,philosophical,ad hisorical elemes. This aricle will explore he meaig ad sigificace of he six scales是Chiese asrology,focusig o how hey relae o he Chiese zodiac sigological radiio。

1. The Chiese Zodiac Scales

The Chiese zodiac is divided io 12 aimal sigs, each represeig a specific period of ime,emoios,ad characerisics. The aimals are collecively represeed as aimals zodiac chars,ad each sig isassociaed wih is correspodig aimal color, symbol, ad umber。

– Aries: red lio (Garuda) wih umber ie ad symbol, capricor

urus: bull (Mǎo wei) wih umber six ad symbol, aquarius

Gemii: Gemii (Mei ?)wih umber hree ad symbol, pisces

Cacer: crab (Ch

Leo: lio (Gē w ?i) wih umber seve ad symbol, sagiarius

– Virgo: Virgo (H)

– Scorpio: Scorpio (Sāo qiog) wih umber ie ad symbol, Sagiarius

– Capricor: goa (Cheg w ?i) wih umber ie ad symbol, Aquarius

—Aquarius: waer oer (Da jig) wih umber hree ad symbol, Pisces

– Pisces: fish (Wu xī) wih umber five ad symbol, Leo

– Cacer: sea urle (Wō hu) wih umber ie ad symbol, Aquarius

– Leo: bull (Mǎo wei) wih umber seve ad symbol, Sagiarius

—Virgo: grasshopper (W

– Sagiarius: zodiac sake (Guā yi) wih umber ie ad symbol, Capricor

– Capricor: serpe (He shi) wih umber ie ad symbol, Aquarius

2. The Sigificaioal Role of he Chiese Zodiacs ad

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